General Election 2024 – Candidates Feature: Angie Rayner (Independent)

CHAOS Radio - Independent Angie Rayner

This polling week, CHAOS Radio is featuring each of the candidates standing in the 2024 general election here in the Newquay and St Austell constituency. Keep it CHAOS to read their views, plans, and priorities for our community.

As a Newquay councillor under Reform UK in 2021, I helped wake the party up over 3 years and shaped policies. Now an independent I don’t have to tow any party line on policies I disagree with and can freely speak out. Vote for the person not the party.

Reform Parliament – The public liken it to a circus, scrap old traditions. A British constitution/common law, protect our freedoms so that no country, government, court or royals can over ride our constitutional rights like American’s have. A direct Democracy system, like the Swiss so we have referendums 3/4 times a year. No Ministerial jobs for MP’s- Creates work overload and incompetence, MP’s should concentrate on their constituencies being given more responsibility over councils and where local money goes. Ministerial jobs should go to people who are experienced and qualified in those departments. MP’s should have no association with the WEF.

Reform the House of Lords – currently 783 members average age is 71, those over 75 be withdrawn immediately half being removed straight the way. Only ELECTED people possibly retired MP’s elected and served for 10 yrs+ would replace, with a target of 100 members going forward with equal men and women.

Taxes – Abolish Inheritance tax, Stamp duty, VAT and Carbon tax which is due 2027, rid the people of taxes imposed upon us over the years. Income tax level raised to £20,000. BBC licensing fee should be scrapped, find ways of funding themselves.

WASPI – Women to be compensated a minimum equivalent to one year pension. 65
should be the pension age for both men and women.

Scrap Foreign aid – Emergency humanitarian fund only until we pay off our national debt of nearly 3 trillion. Then reconsider options to third world countries only. In 1970 the UK gave 0.2 Billion, it is now 15.4 Billion!

No to foreign Wars – We should not involve ourselves or tax payers money. A self defence budget should be just that for defending our own borders which includes towing back boats to France. Peace keeping is a priority and those in positions of power found warmongering should be tried in court.

Immigration and asylum seekers – No forcing tax payers to house and give cash benefits to foreigners. Those who wish to help asylum seekers or migrants register on a new system to be responsible sponsors and pay all associated costs. Any granted asylum, protection or student visa should be reviewed yearly basis due to ,any change in circumstances. Foreigners will have no access to government benefits until they become permanent citizens, having paid into the system for a minimum of 15 years as is the case in Spain. Companies short of labour should be advertised with the job centre and filled by fit and healthy who are unemployed or doing community service.

Devolution – I petitioned against it. Cornwall should not have to beg, bid or be told by government where our money should go. We will insist our money stays in Cornwall and any from central government be given a yearly lump per head count according to population. MP’s voted in by their constituents should decide where the money is needed, working with other local MP’s and public consultation. This will reduce frustrations and barriers from ministers to councillors on decision making.

Manufacturing – start up grants for UK self sufficiency reducing imports and transport pollution. Regulate and cap High Street rents for business property with stricter laws/penalties on upkeep of property exteriors to improve the look of towns and cities. Buy British buy Cornish!

Housing – Restrictions on renting out to tourists on new developments, this will reduce second homes. Homechoice is a council scheme to help people find affordable homes, our council’s system in not working, this is how to reduce the housing list. No affordable home’s advertised until vacant and ready for occupation within 4 weeks. Home seekers bids extended to two bids a week and can
keep on bidding until a home is signed for. The current system applications are frozen even if a home is not ready for 6 months! Registered housing associations rents should be brought in line with local housing allowances by law. Local homes for local people first prioritised according to need, this includes shared ownership which currently is based on who gets their application in first seconds after an email is sent by a housing associations which is not fair.

Creation of a Body Autonomy Law – No medical procedure should be forced on anyone in exchange for freedom. I reject the WHO treaty especially as they covered up the Pandemrix scandal and many other issues to do with covid. Not only are they influenced by billionaire philanthropists and pharmaceutical companies, Dr Tetros is on Ethiopias terrorist list? We will not forget what most of those in parliament did to our country and people during the pandemic.

NHS – Stop the privatisation of NHS. As I suggested to Reform UK, train doctors, nurses, dentists and carers for free in return for 10 years in the NHS, reducing down any student loans/expenses over that time period. All trained frontline workers including carers to be on a minimum of £15 per hour. Financial decisions budgets pass to MP’s as previously discussed will allow the purchase and building of more hospitals, ancillary wards, doctors and dentists which are public owned. Non British passport holders will have to show travel insurance, the NHS can tap into this providing travellers insurance and make money for a change. Under the conservatives Cornwall NHS has now run out of money, you heard it here first!

Keep cash – The digitalisation of money and artificial intelligence ‘AI’ of public services should be a freedom of choice. It cannot be forced upon us by government, businesses or banks .The public should have access to at least one bank in every town, a physical human or voice should also always be easily available to serve us at shops, councils, supermarkets etc.

Crime – Referendum on death penalty for serial murderers such as terrorists, serial offenders of rape against children under 12. Foreign born persons whose parents are not of British nationality who commit a criminal offence be deported to their country of birth, or their parents country birth with no appeal and to lose their British passport. Young offenders more community service, I
support national service ONLY as an alternative to prison to reduce our prison population for re-offending adults not the general law abiding population. Support higher calibre intake of police, fitness, yearly psychological testing, common sense cutting bureaucracy to help them.

Benefits – A good government make happy people, unemployment will improve getting people to help with the endless list of jobs to be done in the community instead of sanctions. Once we are rid of current MP’s, government, globalist controls and implement policies such as mine the mood of the population WILL lift.

Children – I support the responsible adult gay community where love is involved but not the trans movement or promoting gender change in schools or around children. It is critical that sex education be age appropriate and gender change should not be promoted anywhere. Christian family values and nurturing innocent minds should be promoted as much as possible. I insist on single sex spaces like toilets.

Education – Replace PHSE lessons with a compulsory life skill lesson to include organic farming, looking after the environment, life saving/survival skills and money management.

Home education – numbers are rising, this is due to government policies which puts pressure on children and parents, especially those disabled or with learning difficulties. The government fails home educated students by not providing exams despite having been saved money. I will push for a minimum of 5 subjects for home educated to sit at local schools and be paid for by education authority to improve outcomes for all children. I helped push for Cornwall Home educated children to go into college at year 11 which has now been implemented.

Environment – I LOVE our countryside, fresh air, wildlife, marine life, sea and beaches! No to the globalist Paris accord agreement. No to Net Zero or globalist agenda’s, it is a money making scam to empty our pockets. NO to fracking. NO to more solar farms or wind turbines, they are a blot on our
landscape. NO to building developments on green belt land unless it is connected to farming the creation of farm shops, we are fast losing our countryside. YES to reducing plastic forcing manufacturers to rethink packaging. YES to more trees but not on farmland needed to grow food. YES to solar panels as part of planning permission for new homes and businesses.

Recycling Bins – YES it’s like Krypton factor! windy days ! Not environmentally friendly.

Water companies – Bring them into public ownership starting with 50%, cap on profits for CEO’s and share holders. Public utilities decided by a public referendum.

Fishing – Take back our waters and cut red tape to encourage thriving fishing communities. YES to banning super trawlers, protecting sea life and wildlife.

Geo/climate engineering – Demand transparency with the public on projects in the UK funded by tax payers and private entities. Public referendums to ban these practices/research due to risks of food security and public physical & mental health. Trees and plants need C02, being blamed for excess C02 and radiation caused by world governments and nuclear testing for over half a century is wrong. I support the no farmers no food movement working with them to grow organic, stop farmers being dictated by government overreach when it comes to farming communities. Rural planning laws- to allow single families to buy farm land for small holdings to provide food for themselves and local communities, overage deeds should not exist for a single family homes of reasonable size who want to farm. No to anymore large developments on farm land or green belt.


For features of the other six candidates standing in the 2024 general election here in the Newquay and St Austell constituency, head on over to CHAOS Radio News.

CHAOS Radio were out and about in the local area last week, capturing a snapshot of the issues that matter to you most.

In a special election broadcast, we explore Education, Economy, Environment, Housing, Healthcare and, Social and Community Concerns; and contextualise these against the main parties’ manifestos to give you a greater perspective ahead of casting your vote.

Click HERE to learn more and to watch the broadcast back in full.